Per la prima volta il teaser video di promozione di spettacoli teatrali e arti performative diventa oggetto di un concorso. Un breve filmato che diviene veicolo di comunicazione, rimandando linguaggi, tematiche e atmosfere, per creare interesse verso lo spettacolo e svilupparne nuovo pubblico. L’associazione culturale vuole sostenere queste produzioni video e stimolarne la realizzazione come opere d’arte.
Sostenuto dal Mibact, scade il 30 aprile 2019 il Bando per il “Premio miglior teaser”, istituito da, in occasione del ventennale della sua nascita come sito internet e rivista online.
La giuria, composta da Federico Betta, Maurizio Borriello e Daniela Nicolò, valuterà la realizzazione del prodotto finale, premiandone la specificità del linguaggio filmico e l’efficacia nel veicolare curiosità, riflessioni e interesse rivolti allo spettacolo oggetto del teaser.
La giuria selezionerà venti video e tra questi sceglierà i tre finalisti, per arrivare poi a decretare il vincitore che si aggiudicherà il premio di 500 euro.
Ideati e diretti da Mariateresa Surianello, i Premi – alle arti sceniche “Dante Cappelletti” e quello intitolato a “Renato Nicolini” – accrescono con il “Miglior teaser” la loro mission di sostegno e promozione dello spettacolo dal vivo e della scena contemporanea.
Carla Romana Antolini
+39 393 9929813
Award for Best Teaser Video
To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of its internet site and the first Italian weekly online magazine for theater and the performing arts the cultural association is announcing its “Award for Best Teaser Video”, dedicated to short preview videos of theater performances and the performing arts.
In the reign of the image considers the possibility of using the teaser video as a means of promoting a work that can lead to the creation of another. The jury will evaluate the trailers based on the specificity of their cinematic language and their effectiveness in stimulating curiosity, reflection, and interest in the event that is the object of the teaser.
1. Participants can be citizens of Italy, Europe or any country in the world, with no limit to age.
2. Participants can be individual artists or groups.
3. Participants must submit a brief film presenting a work of theater or the performing arts no longer than five minutes, produced between 1998 and 2018.
4. The work that is the object of the teaser must still be in the current repertory of the company that presents it.
5. The participants can download the announcement from the site and fill in the different parts of the registration form until 12:00 April 30th, 2019. The contestants must indicate in their registration form the internet address where the complete video teaser can be viewed (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion) with English subtitles.
6. By completing and sending in the registration form the participants agree to accept the rules of the contest in all of its aspects.
7. From all the videos received the jury will select a maximum of twenty that will be presented during the final days of the 2019 Awards.
8. From the twenty videos chosen the jury will select three finalists, one of which will be declared the winner and receive the prize of 500.00 euros.
9. The teaser video finalists will be promoted through social media and the website of
10. The judgement of the jury is final.
11. The winning teaser must include in all promotional material without exception the acknowledgement received: « Award for Best Teaser Video».